Māna Mara you tricky one
Playing with thoughts
Making up stories
Rolling Samsaras in balls of Kamma
Be dispelled by truth,
Dispensed by experience
Māna Mara you tricky one
Playing with thoughts
Making up stories
Rolling Samsaras in balls of Kamma
Be dispelled by truth,
Dispensed by experience
Arousing temptation, lustful fantasies
I understand my sight & have eyes to see
Yet blind am I to truth which sets free
Be gone duality. Yoga for thee.
Diamonds entering earth
Ruby to the moon
Box cars all around
This is my nightmare
Let words fly… which ever way.
They go all dangly when given freedom
like children without parents
To serve others or to serve oneself? That is the rhetorical question.
For when one serves others they are also serving themselves in many ways. Each has their own motives and every selfless act begins with a selfish desire. Continue reading To serve or not to serve?