Category Archives: Consciousness

Everything is consciousness, but this category only encompasses that which we recognize as awareness.

Karma, Earrings & Love

Mother of Pearl Inlay Plug in horn from Buddha Jewelry Organics

The path of least resistance leads to love & abundance. As we output to the world whether it be within our thoughts, speech or actions so too will we receive back and so the cycle of karma continues. This can be thought of as resonance with out surrounding universe. Sometimes it takes a while for this to come back and other times it can come back immediately. It just depends on the consciousness that you’re resonating with. Continue reading Karma, Earrings & Love

The Power of Your Other Hand | An Ambidexterous review

2 handed drawing | Ambidexterity in action
Ambidexterity drawing practice.

Ambidexterity changes your world profoundlyI’ve been studying consciousness, reality, quantum and classical physics, etc for the past few years and this book on ambidexterity is the most profound book I’ve stumbled upon in my quest of reality mastery. I’m only 61 pages through the first edition of the power of your other hand & have done every exercise that I’ve stumbled upon. If the rest of the exercises are as eye-opening and consciousness raising as the ones thus far I will have stumbled upon another amazing way to really assist with the world with its shared evolution. I have already taken what little knowledge I’ve garnished from this book into everyday applications within the rest of my life. Continue reading The Power of Your Other Hand | An Ambidexterous review

Meditate for Ukraine’s Peace and Yours

The power of prayer, meditation, intention, or what ever you want to call it can help the Ukraine and the rest of the world become a lot more peaceful. Some might think this is poppycock and others might have already experienced this in their lives. Quantum physics has been able to explain this for a long time and there are many cases around the world to back this up with verifiable quantitative and qualitative data. Continue reading Meditate for Ukraine’s Peace and Yours

Math: Bringing sexy back.

Math is fun. Quantum physics is cool. I love this stuff and you might too.

I could be  fun again if they taught this stuff in elementary school: Vortex Math. We used to believe the stars were pop ups on the background of consciousness. Now we know; so is everything else. An excellent intro to vortex math, Randy Powell brings the sexy back with this simple explanation that is a great way to start learning about the finer intricacies of existence and will blow your mind. 

Continue reading Math: Bringing sexy back.

Organic Raw means Hakuna Matata

organic raw means hakuna hatata
Hippocrates knowns

Hakuna Matata means no worries for the rest of your days and I think eating organic raw is going to be re-integrating itself into the masses understanding as the original medicine: food. Hippocrates said it best,

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” 

The truth is definitely starting to reveal itself to the masses slowly but surely. Many feel as though we’re in the most violated, crazy or dangerous times of the world, but the opposite is also true. Never in the history of our globe have we been this focused on issues so paramount and everlasting as we have now and it is exciting!

Continue reading Organic Raw means Hakuna Matata